пятница, 14 марта




BPO Seats, a Cebu Philippines based office rental company, announces a revolutionary approach to call center management as part of its business practice outsourcing (BPO) solutions. BPO Seats is the leading provider of fully-facilitated office space to call center clients in the US, Europe and Australia. The five year old company, offers over 8,000 facilitated seats as well as clients services in eight locations around the Philippines. Our Philippine BPO operations accommodate clients of all sizes from a handful to the thousands.

The Company is currently introducing a new package of office services that offer space planning, recruiting, human resources, regulatory compliance, productivity tools, and contract services on a user-friendly, computer based system. Client home office locations are now provided real-time visibility of the full spectrum of call center operations from the convenience of their computer terminal. BPO Seats has offered many of these services to clients on a piecemeal, manual approach on an as needed basis. The Company has integrated these business practice elements into a software based platform that improves productivity, is easy to use,and convenient while being inexpensive

From a single computer terminal, BPO Company clients are now able to integrate space planning, facilitation, recruiting, productivity measurement, payroll, regulatory compliance and facility management using a SaaS-based online system. The access to the system is offered to clients for a small administrative fee that is calculated as a percentage of compensation. BPO Seats has been developing and testing it new Premium Services package with existing clients and is confident of the validation and security of it systems. The response from clients has been extremely favorable both for its ability to reduce day-to-day business headaches when managing an off-shore office while measurably improving productivity.

BPO Call center services are often outsourced to BPOs where agents represent multiple companies in different businesses. BPO is all about contracting a specific task to a third party service provider. The outsource task is one that a company requires but which is deemed essential to its carrying on with its business. Payroll, for example, is one such task that can be outsourced easily. Others include customer contract services and human resource activities. BPO is a branch of outsourcing. It involves contracting out any function/segments/process to a third party service provider. It can broadly be classified into back office and front office outsourcing. Back office involves business functionalities such as accounting, finance or human resources. Front office outsourcing involves customer-related services such as contract/call centers services.


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